HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is the usual markup language for growing Web pages.s of a series of factors. HTML factors tell the browser a way to display the content material.

                 HTML describes the structure of a Web page. HTML consist


  What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language,

 It is straightforward and fun to analyze.


HTML describe the structure of net pages.

HTML5 is  the fifth and contemporary major variations of  web pages.


Why learn HTML ?

It is crucial to learn HTML if you want to construct internet web sites ,


you cannot construct one in case you do not know HTML because it's certainly one of


the prerequisites in gaining knowledge of other languages used for net improvement.





<!DOCTYPE html>




<title>Page Title</title>





It is simple structure of any web site .

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Page Title</title>



<h1> This is a heading.</h1>

<h6>This ia a heading.</h6>



This is a heading.

This is a heading.

 try it yourself

  • <doctype> : The statement isn't a HTML tag. It is an "data" to the program about what record type to anticipate.
  • <html>: this component encases everything within a html record; it incorporates labels, components, templates, scripts, text, mixed media and significantly more
  • The <head> The component is a compartment for metadata (information about information) and is set between the tag and the tag. Metadata is information about the HTML report. Metadata isn't shown. Metadata ordinarily characterize the record title, character set, styles, scripts, and other meta data.
  • <title> :this elements defines the title of a web page; it appear on the upper-part of a browser
  • <body> : this elements encloses elements like <h1>, <p> , <img>, <b>, <i>, and a lot more
  • <h1>: this elements encloses defines a heading 
  • <p> this elements defines a paragraph

HTML Tags:

HTML Tags are elements names surrounded by angle brackets.


In HTML we start and end tags . look at the example below.

<p>hello, welcome to learn HTML </p>


Start tag and End tag:

  • start tag -also called "opening a tag ".  example   <p>
  • End tag -also called "ending a tag ".    example  </p>


This is the basic structure of any HTML page Memorize them!

<!DOCTYPE html>



          <title> The Title </title>




