Html text formatting

 HTML Text Formatting:

Formatting text is very essential for web sites.

One of its uses is to help readers know the important parts a web content easily.

👉Elements for Formatting Text:

All of the elements listed below are inline elements:

  • <b>: bolds a text .

  • <i>: italicizes a text.

  • <u> : underlines a text .

  • <code> : defines a text as a code.

  • <tt> typewriter text.

  • <small>: makes a text smaller.

  •  <em>: emphasizes a text, may be italicized depending on the browser .

  • <strong>: emphasizes a text, may be boldened depending on the browser.

  • <mark> : marks a text like a highlighting pen.
  • <q> : enquotes a text.

  • <s> : strikes through a text.


<!-- bold -->

<b>I am a bolded text.</b>

<br />

<!-- italic -->

 <i>I am an italic text</i>

<br /> 

<!-- underlined -->

<u> I am an underlined text.</u>

 <br /> 

<!-- code -->

<code>I am a code text </code>

<br />

<!-- typewriter text --> 

<tt>I am a typewriter text.</tt>

<br />

<!-- small text -->

<small>I am a small text.</small> 

<br />

 <!-- emphasized text -->

<em>I am a an emphasized text.</em>

<br /> 

<!-- strong text -->

<strong>I am a strong text.</strong>

<br />

<!-- marked text -->

<mark>I am a marked text.</mark>

<br />

<!-- quoted text -->

<q>I am an enquoted text.</q>

<br />

<!-- striked text -->

 <s>I am a striked text.</s>

<br />

<!-- mixed formatted -->

 <b><i><u><mark><q> I am a mixed formatted text.


I am a bolded text.

I am an italic text.

I am an underlined text.

I am a code text.

I am a typewriter text.

I am a small text.

 I am a an emphasized text.

I am a strong text.

I am a marked text.

 "I am an enquoted text."

I am a striked text.

 "I am a mixed formatted text."

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