What is center tag in html :
Center tag in html with example:
To center HTML contents and/or elements we just need to enclose them inside a <center> element.
<h1> I am a centered heading. </h1> <p> I am a centered paragraph. </p>
<img src="images/example.jpg" />
✔As you can see the heading, paragraph and the image are all centered.
A Update!
The <center> element is deprecated, it means that browsers may not support it anymore in the future.
To center text and images, we can use CSS styling.
The style="text-align: center" attribute can be used as an alternative to the <center> element.
<div style="text-align: center">
<h1> I am a centered heading. </h1 <p> I am a centered paragraph. </p>
<img src="images/example.jpg" />
How to center a tag in html:
How to use center tag in html5:
The HTML <center> tag was used to center text and other content in HTML documents. However, it has been obsolete since HTML5 and should no longer be used in modern web development.
Instead of using the <center> tag, developers should use CSS to style and center content on a web page. CSS provides a wide range of styling options and more control over the layout of a page compared to HTML alone.
To center content using CSS, you can use the text-align property and set its value to center. You can apply this property to a block-level element such as a div or p tag, and all the content within that element will be centered.
In addition to the text-align property, you can also use the margin property with a value of auto to center content horizontally. For example:
div {
width: 50%;
margin: 0 auto;
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